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PZA Meeting Minutes for Agency Approval: 12/19/2024
8. WH 2024-05 Laurel Hill Workforce Housing. Request to rezone approximately 16.74 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Workforce Housing (WH); specifically located at 5025 US Highway 1 S, 111 Watson Road, and 121 Watson Road. This item was initially scheduled for hearing at the 12/19/24 PZA meeting. At that time the Applicant's representative requested a continuance to a date certain of 1/23/25 to allow for additional stormwater modeling, creation of suggested ordinance conditions, and time to hold a community meeting. The Agency voted 5-0 to approve the deferral. Three members of the public spoke in opposition to the project citing such concerns as tree and wildlife habitat, traffic, and compatibility with the established adjacent residential neighborhood.
Public Comments
1. ZVAR 2024-29 3554 Pacetti Road. Request for a Zoning Variance to Table 6.01 of the Land Development Code to allow for a Minimum Lot Width of 105 feet in lieu of the 120 foot requirement in Residential, Single Family (RS-1) zoning to accommodate construction of a single family home, specifically located at 3554 Pacetti Road.
2. ZVAR 2024-15 Auto Pros Consulting. Request for a Zoning Variance to Section 6.06.04 of the Land Development Code to allow for a proposed building and associated parking area to encroach within the required 20/B incompatibility buffer, and to Table 6.17 to allow for relief of the onsite parking requirement in relation to the size of the building, specifically located on the west side of First Avenue and east of US 1 N.
3. SUPMAJ 2024-12 Shores Fine Wine & Spirits. SUPMAJ 2024-12 Shores Fine Wine & Spirits, request for a Special Use Permit per Section 2.03.01 and 2.03.02 of the Land Development Code to allow for the package sale for off-site consumption, specifically located at 3795 Palm Valley Road.
4. MINMOD 2024-23 Church of Eleven 22. Request for a Minor Modification to the Lewis Point Plaza PSD (ORD. 1987-79, as amended) to allow for the development of a 29,000 square foot worship facility located within 1,000 feet of a retailer of alcoholic beverages as outlined in Land Development Code Section 2.03.02.A, specifically located at 2469 US 1 South.
5. NZVAR 2024-15 Church of Eleven 22 Signage. Request for a Non-Zoning Variance to the Lewis Point Planned Special Development (ORD. 1987-79, as amended) to allow for proposed wall signs to exceed the maximum Advertising Display Area (ADA) prescribed pursuant to Section 7.02.04.B.6 of the Land Development Code, specifically located at 2469 US 1 South. (Part 1 of 2)
6. PUD 2023-25 3229 State Road 207 PUD. Request to rezone approximately 2.07 acres of land from Residential, Single-Family (RS-2) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for Neighborhood Commercial uses, specifically located at 3229 State Road 207.
5. NZVAR 2024-15 Church of Eleven 22 Signage. Request for a Non-Zoning Variance to the Lewis Point Planned Special Development (ORD. 1987-79, as amended) to allow for proposed wall signs to exceed the maximum Advertising Display Area (ADA) prescribed pursuant to Section 7.02.04.B.6 of the Land Development Code, specifically located at 2469 US 1 South. (Part 2 of 2)
7. WH 2024-07 Cypress Village. Request to rezone 3.94 acres of land from Residential, Single-Family (RS-2) to Workforce Housing (WH), specifically located on property situated at the intersection of King Street Extension and N. Clay Street.
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Call meeting to order
PZA Meeting Minutes for Agency Approval: 12/19/2024
8. WH 2024-05 Laurel Hill Workforce Housing. Request to rezone approximately 16.74 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Workforce Housing (WH); specifically located at 5025 US Highway 1 S, 111 Watson Road, and 121 Watson Road. This item was initially scheduled for hearing at the 12/19/24 PZA meeting. At that time the Applicant's representative requested a continuance to a date certain of 1/23/25 to allow for additional stormwater modeling, creation of suggested ordinance conditions, and time to hold a community meeting. The Agency voted 5-0 to approve the deferral. Three members of the public spoke in opposition to the project citing such concerns as tree and wildlife habitat, traffic, and compatibility with the established adjacent residential neighborhood.
Public Comments
1. ZVAR 2024-29 3554 Pacetti Road. Request for a Zoning Variance to Table 6.01 of the Land Development Code to allow for a Minimum Lot Width of 105 feet in lieu of the 120 foot requirement in Residential, Single Family (RS-1) zoning to accommodate construction of a single family home, specifically located at 3554 Pacetti Road.
2. ZVAR 2024-15 Auto Pros Consulting. Request for a Zoning Variance to Section 6.06.04 of the Land Development Code to allow for a proposed building and associated parking area to encroach within the required 20/B incompatibility buffer, and to Table 6.17 to allow for relief of the onsite parking requirement in relation to the size of the building, specifically located on the west side of First Avenue and east of US 1 N.
3. SUPMAJ 2024-12 Shores Fine Wine & Spirits. SUPMAJ 2024-12 Shores Fine Wine & Spirits, request for a Special Use Permit per Section 2.03.01 and 2.03.02 of the Land Development Code to allow for the package sale for off-site consumption, specifically located at 3795 Palm Valley Road.
4. MINMOD 2024-23 Church of Eleven 22. Request for a Minor Modification to the Lewis Point Plaza PSD (ORD. 1987-79, as amended) to allow for the development of a 29,000 square foot worship facility located within 1,000 feet of a retailer of alcoholic beverages as outlined in Land Development Code Section 2.03.02.A, specifically located at 2469 US 1 South.
5. NZVAR 2024-15 Church of Eleven 22 Signage. Request for a Non-Zoning Variance to the Lewis Point Planned Special Development (ORD. 1987-79, as amended) to allow for proposed wall signs to exceed the maximum Advertising Display Area (ADA) prescribed pursuant to Section 7.02.04.B.6 of the Land Development Code, specifically located at 2469 US 1 South. (Part 1 of 2)
6. PUD 2023-25 3229 State Road 207 PUD. Request to rezone approximately 2.07 acres of land from Residential, Single-Family (RS-2) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for Neighborhood Commercial uses, specifically located at 3229 State Road 207.
5. NZVAR 2024-15 Church of Eleven 22 Signage. Request for a Non-Zoning Variance to the Lewis Point Planned Special Development (ORD. 1987-79, as amended) to allow for proposed wall signs to exceed the maximum Advertising Display Area (ADA) prescribed pursuant to Section 7.02.04.B.6 of the Land Development Code, specifically located at 2469 US 1 South. (Part 2 of 2)
7. WH 2024-07 Cypress Village. Request to rezone 3.94 acres of land from Residential, Single-Family (RS-2) to Workforce Housing (WH), specifically located on property situated at the intersection of King Street Extension and N. Clay Street.
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