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Call to Order by Chair
Proclamation Recognizing January 2025 as Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Deletions to Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda
Public Comment
1. Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Presentation. A brief update by St. Johns County Fire Rescue on the wildland fire danger for St. Johns County and an overview of the department’s wildland fire operations plan and resources. Discussion will center on our response, partner agreements with the Florida Forest Service, the State Emergency Response Plan, community engagement and the geographic and weatherrelated circumstances that historically impact fire danger and behavior in our region.
14. Motion to adopt Resolution 2025-_____, authorizing the County Administrator, ordesignee, to issue a non-exclusive franchise agreement to Hicks Rolloff andRecycling, LLC, for the collection and transportation of non-residential solid waste,of the type specified in the agreement. For more information, contact Greg Caldwell,Public Works Director at 904 209-0266
2. St. Johns County Impact Fee Update Study. Presentation of required 5-year review of St. Johns County Impact Fees. Seeking direction for staff to pursue changes to the Impact Fee Schedule.
3. WGV Hall of Fame Update and Discussion. Staff will provide an overview of the history of the World Golf Village campus and an update on the property disposition and status of the IMAX operations.
4. Public Hearing * San Juan Drive Parking Ordinance Adoption Hearing. This is the second reading and adoption hearing of a proposed amendment to the Ponte Veda Zoning District Regulations (PVZDR) Ordinance No. 2003-05, as amended; Amending Section IX.D,” off-street parking- General provisions” to modify San Juan Drive Parking Requirements and limitations. The first reading of the proposed ordinance was held at the 10/15/24 Board of County Commissioner meeting.
6. Public Hearing * COMPAMD 2024-03 Schneider Family Campground (Transmittal). Request for a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Rural Commercial (RC) for approximately 120 acres of land, specifically located at 8000 US Hwy 1 South. The Planning and Zoning Agency (PZA) heard this request at their regularly scheduled public hearing on November 21, 2024, and recommended approval with a vote of 6-1. One of the Agency members read into the record a letter from the South Anastasia Communities Association (SACA) in which it stated concerns about the potential intensive uses of the site and asked that the Agency recommend denial or offer a less intense alternative. The Agency members deliberated the potential for additional intensive uses of the site should the amendment be approved, emphasizing the necessity to restrict the allowable uses and expressing concerns regarding the implications of well and septic system additions. While some members acknowledged the beneficial aspects of utilizing the site in this manner, others raised questions about the current number of RV campgrounds in the vicinity and the appropriateness of the location for such use. The Agency further considered the advantages of introducing a text amendment to confine the use to RV Campgrounds and ancillary services. The applicant committed to providing use limitations within the Rezoning application that runs concurrent to the comprehensive plan amendment adoption. Public discussion included topics such as the existing wetlands on the property, the presence of small, private campgrounds in the area, competition with nearby Airbnb rentals, and the importance of retaining equestrian activities on-site.
Commissioners’ Reports
County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Jan 21, 2025 Board of County Commissioners
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order by Chair
Proclamation Recognizing January 2025 as Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Deletions to Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda
Public Comment
1. Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Presentation. A brief update by St. Johns County Fire Rescue on the wildland fire danger for St. Johns County and an overview of the department’s wildland fire operations plan and resources. Discussion will center on our response, partner agreements with the Florida Forest Service, the State Emergency Response Plan, community engagement and the geographic and weatherrelated circumstances that historically impact fire danger and behavior in our region.
14. Motion to adopt Resolution 2025-_____, authorizing the County Administrator, ordesignee, to issue a non-exclusive franchise agreement to Hicks Rolloff andRecycling, LLC, for the collection and transportation of non-residential solid waste,of the type specified in the agreement. For more information, contact Greg Caldwell,Public Works Director at 904 209-0266
2. St. Johns County Impact Fee Update Study. Presentation of required 5-year review of St. Johns County Impact Fees. Seeking direction for staff to pursue changes to the Impact Fee Schedule.
3. WGV Hall of Fame Update and Discussion. Staff will provide an overview of the history of the World Golf Village campus and an update on the property disposition and status of the IMAX operations.
4. Public Hearing * San Juan Drive Parking Ordinance Adoption Hearing. This is the second reading and adoption hearing of a proposed amendment to the Ponte Veda Zoning District Regulations (PVZDR) Ordinance No. 2003-05, as amended; Amending Section IX.D,” off-street parking- General provisions” to modify San Juan Drive Parking Requirements and limitations. The first reading of the proposed ordinance was held at the 10/15/24 Board of County Commissioner meeting.
6. Public Hearing * COMPAMD 2024-03 Schneider Family Campground (Transmittal). Request for a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Rural Commercial (RC) for approximately 120 acres of land, specifically located at 8000 US Hwy 1 South. The Planning and Zoning Agency (PZA) heard this request at their regularly scheduled public hearing on November 21, 2024, and recommended approval with a vote of 6-1. One of the Agency members read into the record a letter from the South Anastasia Communities Association (SACA) in which it stated concerns about the potential intensive uses of the site and asked that the Agency recommend denial or offer a less intense alternative. The Agency members deliberated the potential for additional intensive uses of the site should the amendment be approved, emphasizing the necessity to restrict the allowable uses and expressing concerns regarding the implications of well and septic system additions. While some members acknowledged the beneficial aspects of utilizing the site in this manner, others raised questions about the current number of RV campgrounds in the vicinity and the appropriateness of the location for such use. The Agency further considered the advantages of introducing a text amendment to confine the use to RV Campgrounds and ancillary services. The applicant committed to providing use limitations within the Rezoning application that runs concurrent to the comprehensive plan amendment adoption. Public discussion included topics such as the existing wetlands on the property, the presence of small, private campgrounds in the area, competition with nearby Airbnb rentals, and the importance of retaining equestrian activities on-site.
Commissioners’ Reports
County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
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