Video index
Call to Order by Chair
Deletions to Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda
Public Comment
1. 2025 Roadway and Transportation Alternatives List of Priority Projects (LOPP). The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) request project priorities from local governments for potential funding of new transportation projects to be considered for inclusion in the new fiscal year of FDOT’s Work Program. This is an annual recurring request sent to local governments. The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners is charged with prioritizing all projects within the County, including those within municipal boundaries. The Transportation Advisory Group (TAG), consisting of County staff, representatives of the City of St. Augustine, St. Augustine Beach, St. Johns County School District, St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, and the St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport Authority met on November 14, 2024, to review last year’s priorities and recommend this year’s priorities. The attached LOPP includes TAG's recommendations for both highway and alternatives projects. At this meeting, staff is requesting the approval of the Regional Priority list.
2. Change Order #09 to RFQ 22-13 DBIA 530 Final GMP for Inclusion of the Veterans/Greenbriar/CR 210/ Alt 210 intersection improvements into the #5072 CR 210 / Greenbriar to Cimarrone Widening project. On April 18, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Johns County approved execution of the Secondary Design-Build Agreement with SUPERIOR Construction Company Southeast, LLC for construction of the CR-210 Widening from Greenbriar Road to Cimarrone Boulevard, in accordance with RFQ No. 22-13. Due to the existing widening project of CR-210 from Greenbriar to Cimarrone it was determined necessary to include the Greenbriar Road/Veterans Parkway Intersection to maximize efficiencies in the design and construction of the additional work, in order to minimize design and construction costs, and avoid prolonged construction period and traffic restrictions in the area immediately after new construction has taken place. The County incorporated the addition of design services and submittal of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Greenbriar Road/Veterans Parkway Intersection to extend the beginning of the CR-210 widening to the east of Veterans Parkway on Greenbriar Road and South of CR-210 on CR-210A by Change Order. The County negotiated the scope and fee submitted in the GMP Proposal for construction of the additional Work for the required widening, signalization, and drainage improvements necessary for the Greenbriar/Veterans Parkway intersection to accommodate the projected widening of CR-210 and came to agreement with SUPERIOR for at a total cost of $8,589,240.37. Staff recommends Board approval to execute Change Order #09 to the Secondary Design-Build Agreement for the completion of construction, as negotiated, with SUPERIOR Construction Company Southeast, LLC in accordance with the Secondary Design-Build Agreement and as provided in RFQ No. 22-13.
3. FEMA Public Assistance Category G (Permanent Work) for Hurricanes Ian, Nicole, and Milton. Hurricanes Ian, Nicole, and Milton inflicted severe impacts on Florida, resulting in a presidential declaration for federal assistance. FEMA’s Public Assistance program is a Federal grant to aid State and Local governments in returning a disaster area to pre-disaster conditions. The grant is provided to primarily address the repair and restoration of public facilities and infrastructure damaged or destroyed or the restoration of services that were negatively impacted. This update is focused on the current FEMA Category G project in South Ponte Vedra and will present an opportunity to include North Ponte Vedra Beach because of impacts from Hurricane Milton.
4. Public Hearing * A review of the St. Johns County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Annual Report. As required by Florida State Statute, the St. Johns County’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) annually reviews established policies, procedures, ordinances, and the County’s Land Development Code, and Comprehensive Plan and make recommendations on strategies to encourage or facilitate the development and/or preservation of affordable housing. On November 20, 2024, AHAC conducted a noticed public hearing and by affirmative vote of the majority of the AHAC membership approved the attached final report.
Items 5 & 6
7. Vilano Beach Main Street Contract. The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners, by the adoption of its Resolution 2002-184, established the boundaries of the Vilano Beach Community Redevelopment Area, and, by the adoption of its Resolution 2002-208, incorporated the boundary areas of the Vilano Beach Community Redevelopment Area into the St. Johns County Community Redevelopment Agency. The Vilano Beach Main Street, Inc., (VBMS), is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing, promoting, and preserving the historic character and economic vitality of the Vilano Beach Town Center by implementing the Florida Main Street program. The established goals of Vilano Beach Main Street are consistent with the approved community redevelopment plan for the Vilano Beach Community Redevelopment Area, and the CRA and VBMS wish to work in harmony in implementing the community redevelopment plan. This agenda item is a Contract between the St. Johns Community Redevelopment Agency and VBMS for the purpose of providing services and projects consistent with the community redevelopment plan for the Vilano Beach Redevelopment Area. Funding for this contract was approved in the FY 2025 CRA budget.
8. Second Presentation of the Draft Countywide Strategic Plan. During the BCC Meeting on February 7, 2023, County Administration received approval from the Board to hire a consultant to develop a countywide strategic plan. In March 2023, the County issued a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) and subsequently entered into a contract with BerryDunn, the top-ranked respondent. After extensive engagement with the community and stakeholders, representatives from BerryDunn presented a draft strategic plan for discussion at the Commission Meeting on September 17, 2024. The Board and community members in attendance provided feedback and suggestions. The consultant and staff collected these comments and held one-on-one sessions with both current and incoming Board members to review them. A second draft is now being presented, which incorporates the feedback received during the Commission meeting as well as recommendations from the one-on-one sessions. This draft outlines the proposed strategic priorities and objectives for the Board's discussion and consideration. The Board can choose to approve the draft as it is or make additional changes. The next phase of the project will involve finalizing the implementation plan, which includes specific action items to achieve these objectives, identifying performance measures, and developing a graphic version of the final plan to share with the community.
9. Confirmation of Desiree Woroner as Human Resources & Risk Management Director. After conducting an extensive national recruitment for a permanent Human Resources Director, the County selected Desiree Woroner for the position. Ms. Woroner has over 20 years of experience in human resources and risk management. She has held multiple leadership positions in the public and private sectors and will be a valuable addition to the County team. Staff is seeking Board confirmation of Ms. Woroner as the HR Director.
Commissioners’ Reports
County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
Dec 17, 2024 Board of County Commissioners
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order by Chair
Deletions to Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Additions/Deletions to Regular Agenda
Approval of Regular Agenda
Public Comment
1. 2025 Roadway and Transportation Alternatives List of Priority Projects (LOPP). The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) request project priorities from local governments for potential funding of new transportation projects to be considered for inclusion in the new fiscal year of FDOT’s Work Program. This is an annual recurring request sent to local governments. The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners is charged with prioritizing all projects within the County, including those within municipal boundaries. The Transportation Advisory Group (TAG), consisting of County staff, representatives of the City of St. Augustine, St. Augustine Beach, St. Johns County School District, St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, and the St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport Authority met on November 14, 2024, to review last year’s priorities and recommend this year’s priorities. The attached LOPP includes TAG's recommendations for both highway and alternatives projects. At this meeting, staff is requesting the approval of the Regional Priority list.
2. Change Order #09 to RFQ 22-13 DBIA 530 Final GMP for Inclusion of the Veterans/Greenbriar/CR 210/ Alt 210 intersection improvements into the #5072 CR 210 / Greenbriar to Cimarrone Widening project. On April 18, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Johns County approved execution of the Secondary Design-Build Agreement with SUPERIOR Construction Company Southeast, LLC for construction of the CR-210 Widening from Greenbriar Road to Cimarrone Boulevard, in accordance with RFQ No. 22-13. Due to the existing widening project of CR-210 from Greenbriar to Cimarrone it was determined necessary to include the Greenbriar Road/Veterans Parkway Intersection to maximize efficiencies in the design and construction of the additional work, in order to minimize design and construction costs, and avoid prolonged construction period and traffic restrictions in the area immediately after new construction has taken place. The County incorporated the addition of design services and submittal of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Greenbriar Road/Veterans Parkway Intersection to extend the beginning of the CR-210 widening to the east of Veterans Parkway on Greenbriar Road and South of CR-210 on CR-210A by Change Order. The County negotiated the scope and fee submitted in the GMP Proposal for construction of the additional Work for the required widening, signalization, and drainage improvements necessary for the Greenbriar/Veterans Parkway intersection to accommodate the projected widening of CR-210 and came to agreement with SUPERIOR for at a total cost of $8,589,240.37. Staff recommends Board approval to execute Change Order #09 to the Secondary Design-Build Agreement for the completion of construction, as negotiated, with SUPERIOR Construction Company Southeast, LLC in accordance with the Secondary Design-Build Agreement and as provided in RFQ No. 22-13.
3. FEMA Public Assistance Category G (Permanent Work) for Hurricanes Ian, Nicole, and Milton. Hurricanes Ian, Nicole, and Milton inflicted severe impacts on Florida, resulting in a presidential declaration for federal assistance. FEMA’s Public Assistance program is a Federal grant to aid State and Local governments in returning a disaster area to pre-disaster conditions. The grant is provided to primarily address the repair and restoration of public facilities and infrastructure damaged or destroyed or the restoration of services that were negatively impacted. This update is focused on the current FEMA Category G project in South Ponte Vedra and will present an opportunity to include North Ponte Vedra Beach because of impacts from Hurricane Milton.
4. Public Hearing * A review of the St. Johns County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Annual Report. As required by Florida State Statute, the St. Johns County’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) annually reviews established policies, procedures, ordinances, and the County’s Land Development Code, and Comprehensive Plan and make recommendations on strategies to encourage or facilitate the development and/or preservation of affordable housing. On November 20, 2024, AHAC conducted a noticed public hearing and by affirmative vote of the majority of the AHAC membership approved the attached final report.
Items 5 & 6
7. Vilano Beach Main Street Contract. The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners, by the adoption of its Resolution 2002-184, established the boundaries of the Vilano Beach Community Redevelopment Area, and, by the adoption of its Resolution 2002-208, incorporated the boundary areas of the Vilano Beach Community Redevelopment Area into the St. Johns County Community Redevelopment Agency. The Vilano Beach Main Street, Inc., (VBMS), is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing, promoting, and preserving the historic character and economic vitality of the Vilano Beach Town Center by implementing the Florida Main Street program. The established goals of Vilano Beach Main Street are consistent with the approved community redevelopment plan for the Vilano Beach Community Redevelopment Area, and the CRA and VBMS wish to work in harmony in implementing the community redevelopment plan. This agenda item is a Contract between the St. Johns Community Redevelopment Agency and VBMS for the purpose of providing services and projects consistent with the community redevelopment plan for the Vilano Beach Redevelopment Area. Funding for this contract was approved in the FY 2025 CRA budget.
8. Second Presentation of the Draft Countywide Strategic Plan. During the BCC Meeting on February 7, 2023, County Administration received approval from the Board to hire a consultant to develop a countywide strategic plan. In March 2023, the County issued a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) and subsequently entered into a contract with BerryDunn, the top-ranked respondent. After extensive engagement with the community and stakeholders, representatives from BerryDunn presented a draft strategic plan for discussion at the Commission Meeting on September 17, 2024. The Board and community members in attendance provided feedback and suggestions. The consultant and staff collected these comments and held one-on-one sessions with both current and incoming Board members to review them. A second draft is now being presented, which incorporates the feedback received during the Commission meeting as well as recommendations from the one-on-one sessions. This draft outlines the proposed strategic priorities and objectives for the Board's discussion and consideration. The Board can choose to approve the draft as it is or make additional changes. The next phase of the project will involve finalizing the implementation plan, which includes specific action items to achieve these objectives, identifying performance measures, and developing a graphic version of the final plan to share with the community.
9. Confirmation of Desiree Woroner as Human Resources & Risk Management Director. After conducting an extensive national recruitment for a permanent Human Resources Director, the County selected Desiree Woroner for the position. Ms. Woroner has over 20 years of experience in human resources and risk management. She has held multiple leadership positions in the public and private sectors and will be a valuable addition to the County team. Staff is seeking Board confirmation of Ms. Woroner as the HR Director.
Commissioners’ Reports
County Administrator’s Report
County Attorney’s Report
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