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PZA Meeting Minutes for Agency Approval: 09/05/2024 and 09/19/2024
Public Comments
1. ZVAR 2024-13 112 Surfside Avenue. Request for a Zoning Variance to Section 2.02.04.B.12 of the Land Development Code to allow for a fence height of eight (8) feet in lieu of the six (6) foot requirement.
2. ZVAR 2024-16 513 Canal Variance. Request for a Zoning Variance to Table 6.01 of the Land Development Code to allow a 5-foot Front Yard setback in lieu of the 25-foot requirement; a 14-foot Second Front Yard setback in lieu of the 15-foot requirement; a 5-foot Side Yard setback in lieu of the 8-foot requirement; and a maximum lot coverage by all buildings of 37% in lieu of the 30% requirement in Residential, Single Family (RS-2) zoning to allow for the placement of a garage, specifically located at 513 Canal Road. This same request was originally approved 4-0 by the Planning and Zoning Agency on 5/18/2023 (ZVAR 2022-18), but the project did not commence within the 1-year period set forth in the Final Order.
3. MINMOD 2024-16 Millar Enclosure. Request for a Minor Modification to the Sawgrass PUD (ORD. 1973-08, as amended) to allow for a zero (0) foot Rear Yard setback in lieu of the required ten (10) feet to accommodate a proposed screen enclosure, specifically located at 1506 Birkdale Lane.
4. MINMOD 2024-17 Atkinson Enclosure (028233-1760). Request for a Minor Modification to the St. Johns Interchange Parcels PUD (ORD. 1991-36, as amended) to allow for a three (3) foot Rear Yard setback in lieu of the required ten (10) feet to accommodate an enclosure on Lot 176 of the Turnberry at St. Johns platted subdivision.
5. SUPMAJ 2024-02 Cracker Swamp Borrow Pit. Request for a Special Use Permit pursuant to Land Development Code Section 2.03.10 and Section 6.04.09 to allow for a Borrow Pit within Open Rural (OR) zoning, specifically located at, 9125 Barrel Factory Road B.
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Oct 03, 2024 Planning and Zoning Agency
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Call meeting to order
PZA Meeting Minutes for Agency Approval: 09/05/2024 and 09/19/2024
Public Comments
1. ZVAR 2024-13 112 Surfside Avenue. Request for a Zoning Variance to Section 2.02.04.B.12 of the Land Development Code to allow for a fence height of eight (8) feet in lieu of the six (6) foot requirement.
2. ZVAR 2024-16 513 Canal Variance. Request for a Zoning Variance to Table 6.01 of the Land Development Code to allow a 5-foot Front Yard setback in lieu of the 25-foot requirement; a 14-foot Second Front Yard setback in lieu of the 15-foot requirement; a 5-foot Side Yard setback in lieu of the 8-foot requirement; and a maximum lot coverage by all buildings of 37% in lieu of the 30% requirement in Residential, Single Family (RS-2) zoning to allow for the placement of a garage, specifically located at 513 Canal Road. This same request was originally approved 4-0 by the Planning and Zoning Agency on 5/18/2023 (ZVAR 2022-18), but the project did not commence within the 1-year period set forth in the Final Order.
3. MINMOD 2024-16 Millar Enclosure. Request for a Minor Modification to the Sawgrass PUD (ORD. 1973-08, as amended) to allow for a zero (0) foot Rear Yard setback in lieu of the required ten (10) feet to accommodate a proposed screen enclosure, specifically located at 1506 Birkdale Lane.
4. MINMOD 2024-17 Atkinson Enclosure (028233-1760). Request for a Minor Modification to the St. Johns Interchange Parcels PUD (ORD. 1991-36, as amended) to allow for a three (3) foot Rear Yard setback in lieu of the required ten (10) feet to accommodate an enclosure on Lot 176 of the Turnberry at St. Johns platted subdivision.
5. SUPMAJ 2024-02 Cracker Swamp Borrow Pit. Request for a Special Use Permit pursuant to Land Development Code Section 2.03.10 and Section 6.04.09 to allow for a Borrow Pit within Open Rural (OR) zoning, specifically located at, 9125 Barrel Factory Road B.
Items 6 & 7
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