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Call meeting to order
1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair. Ms. Chair Megan Mckinley and Ms. Vice-Chair Jane Rollinson resigned in December 2023 and September 2023, respectively, leaving the Chair and Vice-Chair positions vacant. Due to these vacancies, the Ponte Vedra Zoning and Adjustment Board is required to elect a Chair and Vice-Chair. Please see the attached recommended Nomination and Voting procedures. Alternatively, after public comment, the simple suggested motion for election may be made.
2. PVZVAR-2023000013 945 Ponte Vedra Blvd.. Request for a Zoning Variance to Section VIII.D of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations to allow for a home to be constructed seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) for a lot not having a platted Building Restriction Line (BRL).
Approval of meeting minutes for PVZAB 2/6/23, 5/1/23, 6/5/23, 8/7/23
Jan 08, 2024 Ponte Vedra Zoning and Adjustment Board
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Call meeting to order
1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair. Ms. Chair Megan Mckinley and Ms. Vice-Chair Jane Rollinson resigned in December 2023 and September 2023, respectively, leaving the Chair and Vice-Chair positions vacant. Due to these vacancies, the Ponte Vedra Zoning and Adjustment Board is required to elect a Chair and Vice-Chair. Please see the attached recommended Nomination and Voting procedures. Alternatively, after public comment, the simple suggested motion for election may be made.
2. PVZVAR-2023000013 945 Ponte Vedra Blvd.. Request for a Zoning Variance to Section VIII.D of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations to allow for a home to be constructed seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) for a lot not having a platted Building Restriction Line (BRL).
Approval of meeting minutes for PVZAB 2/6/23, 5/1/23, 6/5/23, 8/7/23
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