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Call to Order by Chair
Approval of Special Agenda
1. Public Hearing * 5:01 p.m. Public Hearing -- St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners Adoption of Final Millage Rates & Budget for FY 2024. In accordance with sections 129.03 and 200.065 of the Florida Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is required to hold public hearings to adopt its millage rates and budget for the next Fiscal Year (FY). Such hearings must be held after 5:00 PM if scheduled on a day other than Saturday. The September 19, 2023, 5:01 PM hearing date has been advertised in the St. Augustine Record. The Florida Statutes further prescribe the specific order for consideration of substantive issues to be discussed during the required public hearings. The first substantive issue of discussion must be the percentage increase in the County’s aggregate millage rate over the rolled-back rate necessary to fund the budget. The rolled-back rate is defined as the aggregate millage rate that would generate the same level of prior year tax revenues less certain defined allowances (such as new construction). During such discussion, the general public shall be allowed to speak and ask questions prior to the adoption of any measures by the BCC. The BCC shall adopt by resolution its final millage rates prior to adopting its final budget for FY 2024.
Sep 19, 2023 Special Board of County Commissioners
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Full agenda
Call to Order by Chair
Approval of Special Agenda
1. Public Hearing * 5:01 p.m. Public Hearing -- St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners Adoption of Final Millage Rates & Budget for FY 2024. In accordance with sections 129.03 and 200.065 of the Florida Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is required to hold public hearings to adopt its millage rates and budget for the next Fiscal Year (FY). Such hearings must be held after 5:00 PM if scheduled on a day other than Saturday. The September 19, 2023, 5:01 PM hearing date has been advertised in the St. Augustine Record. The Florida Statutes further prescribe the specific order for consideration of substantive issues to be discussed during the required public hearings. The first substantive issue of discussion must be the percentage increase in the County’s aggregate millage rate over the rolled-back rate necessary to fund the budget. The rolled-back rate is defined as the aggregate millage rate that would generate the same level of prior year tax revenues less certain defined allowances (such as new construction). During such discussion, the general public shall be allowed to speak and ask questions prior to the adoption of any measures by the BCC. The BCC shall adopt by resolution its final millage rates prior to adopting its final budget for FY 2024.
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